Co-venture Real Estate

Co-venture real estate investing, simply defined, is a model whereby two or more parties combine their resources to develop a real estate project.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford

Every week we speak to dozens of individuals who are interested in investing in real estate because they acknowledge the power behind real estate as an investment vehicle. But let’s face it, real estate investing requires an intense amount of research, analytics, hours of attending open houses or off market properties, a team of specialized trades and service providers, and let’s not forget the strong working knowledge of the Residential Tenancies (“Landlord Tenant”) Act when dealing with tenants! Add to that a family, perhaps some children, a career, and maybe a pet or two and it can very quickly become overwhelming and disarming. So many people never venture into real estate investing because it seems too much effort on top of their other responsibilities, but that’s why we’re here.

Some ways we can help through co-venture and shareholder Real Estate:

Every individual, as well as their goals and finances, are uniquely different and will be treated as such.

  • Assess, listen and help create a guided pathway to achieving your investment goals

  • Connect you with our Power Team of experts who specialize in their various fields like mortgage brokers, insurance companies, real estate agents, accountants and lawyers

  • Find, appropriate investment opportunities that are hand delivered to you

  • Provide you with a full and comprehensive, summary of analytics on potential investment options

  • Identify a clear pathway and appropriate strategies for execution and exit

  • Assist with drafting and submission of any and all paperwork related to trading in Real Estate by a licensed professional in the field

  • Access to personalized, and individual ‘investor portal’ where all documentation and communication are securely stored

  • Access to a full investors accounting suite which is updated and reconciled each month

Our clients who have participated in co-venture real estate transactions have all been incredibly happy with their experience and returns, but more importantly feel safe in the relationships they’ve created with us.